James Woodford (1893–1976):
Nereid - fountain group, circa 1947
Unframed (ref: 5328)
Signed in pencil on the base
The original plaster maquette, 30 in. (76 cm. high).
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Provenance: The Artist's son.
A bronze version of Neried - fountain group, was exhibited at the Royal Academy in 1947 (1273). In Greek mythology, the Nereids are sea nymphs (distinct from the mermaid-like sirens), the fifty daughters of Nereus and Doris. The male figure in this group is most likely Nerites the handsome young sea god, brother of the Nereids.. Alternatively the male figure might be either Poseidon, who by tradition Nereid accompanied, or a sailor in distress, who by tradition Nerieds were believed to help in perilous storms.